2022-in progress

Universidad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Bachelor of Data Science

Robust foundation in mathematics, computer science, and statistics, adept in all stages from data acquisition to tailored solution implementation. Strong analytical skills, develop statistical models and algorithms to derive insights from vast datasets, ensuring functionality and rectifying errors as needed. Experienced in data analysis, critically approach problems, formulate relevant questions, and effectively communicate findings.

2022-in progress

Instituto de Formación Técnica Superior
Higher Technician in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Carry out innovation projects that involve activities both in the field of Data Science and AI. Qualified to think statistically about work situations that involve a large amount of data, understanding the Data Science work cycle within an organization or for a particular client. Use of AI to streamline processes, reduce waste, and hand over repetitive manual processes reducing failure rate and shortening development processes.

2024-in progress

Building Systems with the ChatGPT API

Language Models, the Chat Format and Tokens | Classification | Moderation | Chain of Thought Reasoning | Chaining Prompts | Check Outputs | Evaluation.


CISCO Networking Academy
Python Essentials 2 - PCAP

Create, develop, and implement Python modules and packages, gain skills necessary to build and deploy multi-module applications. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Use advanced Python tools to produce optimized code and control iterations. Process data stored in text and binary files, and interact with the Operating System (OS).


Prompt Engineering for Developers

Guidelines | Iterative | Summarizing | Inferring | Transforming | Expanding | Chatbot.


Codo a Codo
Advanced React.js + Go

JSX & transpiling | Components | Promises, asynchrony and MAP | Consuming APIs | Routing and Navigation | Events | Context | Rendering techniques | Using Firebase | MySQL | MongoDB | GO.


Codo a Codo
Advanced Python with Django

Architecture | git | Python | Django: Introduction / Views / Templates / Forms / DB / Models / ModelForm / Admin / Authentication / Rest framework / Deployment / Integration.


Codo a Codo
Python Full Stack Developer

HTML | CSS | Bootstrap | Web Design | JS | Vue.js | git | GitHub | Scrum | Architecture | MySQL | Python | CRUD-Python Project | Django.


CISCO Networking Academy
Python Essentials 1 - PCEP

Introduction to Python and Computer Programming. Fundamental concepts behind Python and computer programming, and the essential skills you need to start designing and running your own Python programs.


Comisión Nacional de Valores
Advise and creation of mutual funds

It is a requirement demanded by the National Securities Commission to those who carry out the activities of sale, promotion or provision of any type of advice to the investing public, to guarantee that they have the required level of competence and integrity. National Registration: M.N. 11.971.


Universidad Católica Argentina
Degree in Business Administration

Perform managerial functions of analysis, planning, organization, coordination and control in different areas of the company such as Finance, Administration, Human Resources, Marketing and Logistics, among others. Develop and manage organizational policies, systems and methods, as well as design structures and functions and apply data processing systems.